Flicks and Feelings: A Weekend Story

This weekend, I stumbled upon two movies that unexpectedly swept me away. The timing and the choice felt coincidental as if the universe was sending me a subtle message.

On Friday while scrolling through the vast sea of options on Netflix, I just happened to choose, "Love and Other Drugs. ( Secret- Anne Hathway on the thumbnail was the real reason, but you get the point, right?) It is a beautiful story of a 26-year-old girl battling Parkinson’s.

Despite her condition, she finds herself falling in love with a man who sees beyond her illness, willing to embrace a future together despite the challenges that may lie ahead. The film moved me deeply, especially during a heartfelt scene where she attended a workshop with individuals of all ages, united by the common thread of Parkinson's, bravely sharing their challenges and fears.

These movies go beyond simply offering hope in matters of love, they touch something far more significant within me, reminding me that I am not alone in my journey. 

Can you feel the weight of that realization? Witnessing a girl push away the love of her life, fearing she would burden him as her condition progressed to stage 4. 

Ah, such nights, have a way of overwhelming me, making me feel like a beautiful mess, caught between the tides of vulnerability and gratitude.

And then came Saturday night, accompanied by the evergreen "Wake Up, Sid." This timeless masterpiece has become an inseparable part of my life.

Each viewing ignites a deep longing within me. It's as if the movie unlocks a kaleidoscope of emotions—homesickness for the unknown, an insatiable curiosity to explore, and an unwavering desire to find love in life's simplest moments. That night, all these yearnings came together, sparking a newfound motivation in me to start a fresh chapter.

But what truly surprised me was a conversation that had slipped under my radar until that moment. 

The night when Aisha arrived in Bombay, and crossed paths with Sid, they decide to go on stroll along Marine Drive. In a moment of vulnerability, Sid asks her, "Tumhe darr nahi lagta, Aisha?" 
Her response struck a chord within me, something that will linger in my heart for a long time to come. "Are you kidding, Sid? Bhot darr lagta hai. But bombay ana mera sapna tha, abh yahan hoon to darr nahi sakti. Itna kuch karna hai, ki darr ki jagah hi nahi hai." Do you remember this scene? It hit me like a wave of emotions, reminding me of the limitless possibilities that exist beyond the clutches of fear.

Have you ever experienced that turbulent blend of fear and unwavering determination, all at once? Lately, I've been told that I am "being hard on myself." But how does one find that middle ground between trying to be the best version of onself and setting unrealistic expectations?

For the past decade or so, "Wake Up, Sid" has been my trusted companion, and I've always connected deeply with Aisha's character. A budding writer in her late twenties, she sets out on a journey of self-discovery, in a new city, to find her path in the world. It resonates deeply with the spirit of the Delhi University girl within me. Surprisingly, during this recent viewing, I found myself connecting even more with Sid's journey.... 

Even though both the movies can be put in one genre - Rom-Com, both of them made me ponder about and come to terms with different aspects of my life. 

What- A- Weekend!



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