Flicks and Feelings: A Weekend Story

This weekend, I stumbled upon two movies that unexpectedly swept me away. The timing and the choice felt coincidental as if the universe was sending me a subtle message. On Friday while scrolling through the vast sea of options on Netflix, I just happened to choose, "Love and Other Drugs. ( Secret- Anne Hathway on the thumbnail was the real reason, but you get the point, right?) It is a beautiful story of a 26-year-old girl battling Parkinson’s. Despite her condition, she finds herself falling in love with a man who sees beyond her illness, willing to embrace a future together despite the challenges that may lie ahead. The film moved me deeply, especially during a heartfelt scene where she attended a workshop with individuals of all ages, united by the common thread of Parkinson's, bravely sharing their challenges and fears. These movies go beyond simply offering hope in matters of love, they touch something far more significant within me, reminding me that I am not alone...